
03 September 2008

To Be...

Sometimes and some days I just wish I could completely unplug and just be.  I don't know why or what it is but some days I just want to be in the middle of nowhere.  I don't want to see anybody.  I don't want to talk to anybody.  I don't want to touch or smell anybody.  I just want to be me.  No outside influences.  Nobody telling me what to do or how to feel.

Just stillness.



Does anyone else feel that way?  Is it the want to be free of responsibilities?  Free of commitments?  Free?


Kittie Flyn said...

HAHA - you have no idea. At least once a day I wish I were in a place that made me feel serene and happy. Someplace that I could reconnect with myself. Some people use meditation for this but I've never been successful.

Heidi said...

AMEN, sister!!!!!!! :o)

Meditation....good call. Maybe I will get back into that. It has been a while...

xsam22 said...

Gurrlll, I completely understand! I, too, wish I could fade into the wall sometime and just evaporate for awhile. It's healthy. You need that time to recoup your strength. So GO ON with your loner self, girl! :)