Oh, how I have neglected my little blogspot. It's been quite the whirlwind of work, school, book clubs, working out, socializing, boyfriend time, cat time, etc., etc., etc.! So now I have a bit of catching up to do.
Things have been going well lately. I am still trying to get into a proper school groove, if there is such a thing, but have managed to so far successfully balance all of the things mentioned above. The one thing that I have unfortunately cut back on is my regular attendance at my Bikram yoga studio (I hope Douglas will forgive me.) At first I wasn't sure who was more upset about it - me or my faithful yoga buddy. ;o) BUT, also, at first I was SO overwhelmed I was happy to get some time back in my day so I could read my weekly ninety page assignments!
I did manage to work in a personal trainer and doing cardio at the gym downstairs in my work building so that I could get in and get out and go home and study! The one thing I must say is that I have managed to stay VERY sane throughout all of this. Sure there has been that moment or two where I just want to THROW Robert and Ahab out the front window but that's natural, right? ;o) I don't know where all of this balance has come from; maybe it's that steady yoga practice that I kept up that got me here or maybe it's just one of those things that happens every 7 years? Well, what ever it is, it has been very helpful throughout all of my changes.
School has been good but it makes me wonder sometimes why do we even bother having in-person classes? Yeah I understand that the interaction with other classmates face to face does have some merit but being able to do an accelerated program and doing your study work at your own pace just makes so much more sense! Less time wasted, less gas used, etc! Man, I should have figured this out a long time ago.
Okay, well, enough for now. No more babbling. Maybe one of these days I will make it back to yoga but for right now it is read, read, read, study, study, study, and write, write, write. Back to the books!!