
11 December 2008

To add or not to add?

It is so strange sometimes being online and being so visible and out there to so many people.  Sure you can figure out how to block yourself or "hide" online but just about everything you do leaves a footprint and this is such a strange concept sometimes.

In the last month I have gotten some very strange friend requests on either facebook or myspace that really made me think and wonder.  One was from someone from my past, someone I would rather forget, and it really made me wonder, why?  Why would this person want to bring this all back, see what I am doing now when this person HAS to know that they hurt me so terribly (and probably vice versa) so many years ago?  What makes you click on that "add as friend" button and why?  I often wonder that myself of the friend requests that I have made and I always think twice especially when it comes to people of my past.  I am sure I am not the only one who goes through this - it can be a very strange situation I think.

The other friend request was from someone that I would never have thought would think I was ever their friend.  (Did that make sense?)  ;o)  When you know people from and through work and only work, how do you know what that personal relationship would be like?  I guess that also brings up a good point to me as well; why do I think that we wouldn't be friends outside of work?  It is a bit more complicated then that in this particular case.  The way we interacted, the impression they made on me and the way that they left.  Now that we no longer have work as that tie I really don't see anything more; so should I approve that friend request?

Hell no!  LOL.  But seriously, being online and so visible sometimes freaks me out.  Who knows who is out there spying and lurking...?

What I do love is how many awesome people I have gotten back in touch with and how good that has made me feel.  There have been some pretty amazing people that I have known in the last 32 years of my life and I feel so lucky to have been given the chance to find them once again and reconnect.  Technology has definitely been a positive in most of our lives but at times I think there has to be a limit.  There has to be a point when we must assess how much we are connected and that really, we have to "unplug" every once in a while.

Thank you facebook and myspace for getting me back in touch with those that I love and admire and for keeping me in touch with my amazing friends!  I look forward to many more friends and requests and keeping that connection alive!

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