
12 July 2011

Day 50 - Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis - Results!

I completely forgot to post my Day 50 results! I am now going on Day 56 so am a little behind on posting but things are still going well!

Although by Day 50 I hadn't lost any more weight, I could definitely still feel a difference in the way my clothes were fitting and the way my body looked, which is good!

It turns out I lost another .25" from my hips (hooray!  any little bit counts!!) and another 1/2" from each thigh!!  Seriously!!  :)

I am continuing to see the results and they are great.  I bought a new pair of works pants a couple of weeks ago and they are already getting loose on me, what the heck?!  I am enjoying this feeling and am keeping on.  Level 6 of TAM (Tracy Anderson Method) is definitely kicking my butt but I'm sticking to it.  Other than taking an unscheduled rest day the other day, I'm a keeping on.......only four more days of Level 6!  I can do it and then I'll get to see what Level 7 has in store for me....YIKES!

Hope everyone is doing well....over and out for now!  :)

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