For those of you that don't actually "know" me, I am very interested in astrology, horoscopes, palm reading, etc. Well, a few months ago, my acupuncturist and I were talking about all sorts of different things, one of them about retrogrades and astrology. She gave me the name of a lady, Joni Patry, to look up that made very spot-on predictions but follows Vedic Astrology (Eastern.)
So month to month I get notifications of her updated predictions and my personal astrological prediction for the upcoming month. Can I just say how NOT pleased I was to read July 2011's prediction for me? For the record, in Western Astrology, I am a Libra, but in Vedic, I am a Cancer, and you can figure this all out for free on her website using her calculator tools but you must know the time at which you were born. So, I look up Cancer for July 2011 and read the update below:
"Cancer July 2011
Friendships End
Your friends are unstable and can cause a scene. A friend will disappoint and leave your life. It is time to find friends that support you."
That's it. That's all. Nothing more, no elaboration. Wow. Ugh! All of my previous updates were positive and sometimes mysterious and kept me on a good page. This one just turns me off. I feel like I've been dealing with friend drama since I can remember. Girl friends used to get mad at me in middle school for inviting the new kids to join our group. I have had some truly amazing friendships that all of a sudden just fall apart and I'm not quite sure why. There have been more recent ones that have gone kaput but I *do* know why and they have made sense to me, one, which was resolved years later and now we are close again after talking about what happaned and another one which I truly, truly miss and I need to send her a message or something soon, but otherwise, I haven't had any regrets in the losing friends department.
I agree that we should all have friends in our life that are supportive and that don't disappoint us but it also depends on our expectations of that friend, doesn't it? I guess I naturally expect in return the friendship, time, and devotion that I put into a friend relationship and if I don't get that in return, I begin questioning it and why am I bending over backwards for someone that doesn't make time for me? I'm not saying this is right but I'm saying this is naturally what I trend towards.....
The whole set of predictions for July 2011 and on was kind of crazy anyhow so to read this on top of all of that just kind of freaked me out. I don't think I have any friends that will disappoint me but who knows? Yuck. I'm going to try and not think about it and let July 2011 be what it will and hope for the best! :)
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5 years ago