
28 June 2011

Almost Halfway Through My Metamorphosis Journey!

When you hear the word metamorphosis, the first thing a person usually thinks of is a butterly, or rather, a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.

This morning I completed Day 44 of my Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis program.  After tomorrow morning's workout, I will be halfway through my original 90-day journey and then will move on to Continuity.

Time flies.  I have enjoyed each and every day of my metamorphosis and am ever SO thankful to have found Tracy Anderson and the support of her online community.  I've never felt better and I am on my way to turning into that butterfly.  Not that I've ever thought I'm ugly or needed a transformation but it was just about time to find something that works for me and gives me the results I've been wanting for all of my hard work, effort, and time invested.

Level 5, you are hard, but I'm keeping up with you, Tracy!  The abs are pretty dang difficult but they will only get me results.  I am looking forward to a much deserved massage tonight and getting my butt kicked again in the morning!  Amazing results, you are mine!  Metamorphosis, you will be mine!  :)  Happy Tuesday, everyone!

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