
14 June 2011


I wonder sometimes why things happen the way they do and yes, I am one of those annoying "everything happens for a reason" people.  It's like every day is a test no matter who you are, how old you are, how smart you are, none of that matters.

Recently, I feel as though my tolerance has been tested almost daily and some things are just tiny, miniscule things but still, just feeling as though there will be a reason for all of this.  It's getting better since I've become more aware of it but it's still annoying that these things are bothering me...glad it's making me think though and hoping it will only help me be smarter, stronger, quicker, more truthful, more aware, and happier.

One of my biggest awarenesses (and unfortunately, not a new one) is towards negative people.  I just find it SO much work and such an unnecessary waste of energy to be negative, let alone, deal with a negative person.  And it shows if you're merely pretending to be positive, it truly does.  You can't fake optimism and if you try, well, in my eyes it's pretty obvious.  What a difference when you are around someone who is positive from the inside out then when you are around someone who is constantly just finding the bad things to point out.  Also, reading people's posts whether it's on facebook, twitter, online support communities, whatever the forum, when the poster is constantly just finding the negative and any reason to quit, I simply tune out.  I used to be the cheerleader, the one pushing and affirming, but it just gets so old!  I get SO tired of hand-holding and always trying to help the other person see the good in the bad; if they can't see it anymore then that's their problem and likely I'll stop listening.  I just don't have time for that kind of crap anymore.  I'm getting too old...

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