
22 June 2008

Meeting My Meat

I am once again disgusted with people. I was checking out The Masala Dose's blog that had a link to an article about the brutality of meat production. Now, it's been years since I have checked out PETA and read their newsletters, etc. My sister, Wendy, is a vegetarian and has been for many, many years. We've talked about it before and although I always thought it would coincide more with my beliefs, I never made that change. Call it laziness or what ever but I just never did it even though I absolutely 100% love animals and do not wish any sort of harm to them.

I watched a video called "Meet Your Meat." I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Poor chicks that are forced to eat and eat and they eat so much and grow so quickly their bones can't handle it - their legs break, they flop around, they can't get to water and a lot of the time die right next to a feeder or water but couldn't reach it due to their lame limbs. It was horrifying watching the cattle that also couldn't even walk themselves down the conveyer because their bones were as well either broken or lame due to the conditions that they suffered in. Throats being slit, animals falling off of the hooks they were put on and writhing around in their own blood. How could I not remember all of this was happening?

I suppose it is a testament to our willful blindness to these horrific acts that are happening daily. I'm not one to eat meat on a daily basis but I have definitely enjoyed a trip or two to the Brazil Grill where it is advertised as "All you can eat meat." Oh - how could I?! Well, I guess all I can do is make changes now and forgive and forget what I have done in the past and remain true to my beliefs in that animals should be treated humanely and should live normal, natural lives just like most everyone else.

I feel like me giving up meat just isn't enough though. What more can I do? I feel so helpless and wish there were more I could do but there are just so many people who could care less about a 6-week old chicken being hauled off to the slaughterhouse. I cannot imagine - never seeing the light of day. Never feeling the earth; grass. Never to breathe fresh air or feel free to roam around at my will. Horrifying. I know it's a downer subject but something very important to me. What ever it takes - I am going to make that change and be true to who I am and what I have always believed in. If you know of something more that I (we all) can do, please share!


Spine said...

You're doing a lot already--just by choosing a cruelty-free diet! I know it can be frustrating to see otherwise kind, compassionate people continuing to support factory farming through their eating habits. But everyone has his or her own path to awareness. After all, it took you and me many years to get there, right? It can take people a long time to see what's right in front of them. Some never do.

I hope you find joy and fulfillment in your own choice to go veg. Portland is a veggie paradise. And there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer through Northwest VEG if you're looking for a bigger role as an advocate. NW VEG also has a great class called the Master Vegetarian Program, which runs once a week for 8 or 9 weeks. I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

I think I always knew you'd become vegetarian, it was just a matter of time. The animals will thank you for doing so. I truly believe in Karma, so I think in truth, they will thank you in the end. You'll see.

I have heard that people who eat meat are reborn as animals and will be slaughtered one day. I know some people think that's sound crazy, but many Indian people and Holy Men believe this -- it's just too bad most people don't know.

Anonymous said...


Oh, btw, Wayne has become a partial vegetarian too -- he eats meat about once a week. He had a burger yesterday and it just didn't agree with him. He's also lost more weight since giving up meat.