
23 June 2011

Bye-Bye Level 4!

A Kiwi-Tini
Source: Great Taste Magazine
Yesterday morning I completed Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis day/workout #40.  Phew!  Did I sweat buckets yesterday morning!  I can't tell you how happy I am to have finished level 4.  The free arms/warm-up, arms w/weights, abs, and isolations worked you but weren't HARD.  Now, the leg lifts.......all 200 sets on EACH LEG (some having two movements per 1 set, ugh!!) were another story.  Usually the first side would be "easy," but the minute I moved on to the second side (which I would alternate each morning), I would be DYING and struggling to make it through all of the reps but darn it, I would just pause that DVD and finish them out until I did ALL of them.  BAM!  Take that, Tracy Anderson!  ;)

With day 40 comes new measurements and weigh-in.  Again, I am happy to report that I am down a total of 20 pounds (2 more since my official 30-day weigh-in) and I lost another half-inch from my hips!  :)  These results have just been amazing and I start level 5 today.  Since I have an EARLY morning and LONG meeting scheduled at work I have to start tonight after work but it's okay, I'll get it done.  Also, had an AMAZING Portland Art Museum Young Patrons Society event last night that centered around "The Allure of the Automobile."  We had a FABULOUS turnout thanks to my fellow organizing committee members and the Museum's partners at the Oregon Historical Society.....WOW.  I could have done without the Kiwi-tini (although delicious), it had this green sugared rim that turned my tongue, and inside of my lips GREEN.  LOL

Here's looking forward to level 5 of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis Method tonight!  SO excited and excited for my next measurement/weigh-in on Day 50!!!  :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi...I am also a Bikram Yogini turned Tracy Anderson believer!
Started 6 months ago and cannot believe how it has changed my body. I will always have bikram in my life, since I am a teacher & believe it the restorative powers of the practice, but if you want a great butt & flat abs, tracey is the way to go!
Keep up the leg lifts... and the "lock the knee" every oncce in awhile!
All the best,

Heidi said...

Hello Jane!!

So great to "meet" you and great to hear that you also have seen great results - are you on her continuity program?

Yes, I feel the same way about Bikram - I'm only practicing once a week right now on my TAM 'rest day.' What about you? How did you incorporate it and how often did you/do you practice mixed in with Tracy? That is my biggest question right now....hoping you can shed some light.....

Best! -Heidi.